Nieuws & inspiratie.

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Alexander Koene Alexander Koene

Lieve Medeburgers van Nederland,

Lieve Medeburgers van Nederland, morgen is het zover, de dag waarop we gezamenlijk onze stem kunnen laten horen. BR-ND People moedigt je aan om met jouw stem een positieve bijdrage te leveren aan duurzaamheid. We begrijpen dat velen van jullie nog in dubio zijn.

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Daniel Cohen Stuart Daniel Cohen Stuart

A need for B Corp support

Because of the amount of organisations that attempt to become certified but don’t make it our B Coach Daniel shares his view on the need for providing more support material, and what we at BR-ND People do to help bridge the gap.

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Daniel Cohen Stuart Daniel Cohen Stuart

Steps for certification as BCorp and become a force for good

Even though the B corp movement is growing, there are still a lot of organisations that try but fail to become certified. To support organisations on their B Corp Journey we outline the 5 steps that are generally needed to become certified.

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Daniel Cohen Stuart Daniel Cohen Stuart

Is B Corp certification worth the effort and time?

B Corp Certification is becoming more and more popular. To help organisations decide wether the certification fits with their needs and ambitions we break down the benefits and considerations.

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Guest User Guest User

2023 Innovation Week at BR-ND People 

End of August, we hosted our annual Innovation Week at BR-ND People for our team, friends, and business partners! Every day was dedicated to a different topic, such as purpose, technology, or sustainability. Find out about our four key takeaways from this week here!

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Kim Cramer Kim Cramer

Het menselijke aspect is de doorslaggevende factor - deel 3

Driekwart van de werknemers is ongelukkig. Verzuimcijfers zijn hoger dan ooit. En dat terwijl we iedereen vol goede moed nodig hebben om de transitie te realiseren. We zochten antwoorden en vonden Dr. Kim Cramer, mede-oprichter van BR-ND People dat merken bouwt en een wetenschappelijke methode hanteert om werknemers en organisaties te laten floreren. Feiten, ervaringen, tips rechtstreeks uit de praktijk…

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Alexander Koene Alexander Koene

What makes a great Purpose Statement?

It's important to have a purpose statement that truly reflects what your organization is all about. Such a statement is not about setting goals, but it's about expressing what you stand for and believe in. Often, though, leaders find it difficult to put their purpose into words. Now that's totally understandable.

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Kim Cramer Kim Cramer

Werknemers worden mondiger - Deel 2

Driekwart van de werknemers is ongelukkig. Verzuimcijfers zijn hoger dan ooit. Terwijl we iedereen nodig hebben om de transitie te realiseren. Dr Kim Cramer, mede-oprichter van BR-ND People beantwoordt vragen.

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Kim Cramer Kim Cramer

Steeds meer onderzoek naar werkgeluk - Deel 1

Driekwart van de werknemers is ongelukkig. Verzuimcijfers zijn hoger dan ooit. Terwijl we iedereen nodig hebben om de transitie te realiseren. Dr Kim Cramer, mede-oprichter van BR-ND People beantwoordt vragen.

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Daniel Cohen Stuart Daniel Cohen Stuart

A plea for Natural Intelligence in times of AI

The entire world is buzzing about the most recent Artificial Intelligence (AI) developments. Even those who reside under rocks are probably checking with ChatGPT if there are any superior rocks to live under.

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Alexander Koene Alexander Koene

Wij zijn Kinderpostzegels

Kinderpostzegels launched a new brand campaign that reminds us how they make a difference in children's lives every day of the year. The campaign focuses on issues like poverty, domestic problems, and isolation.

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Alexander Koene Alexander Koene

Keti Koti celebrations on the 1st of July

Keti Koti, the joyous "Chain Broken" celebration in the Netherlands, is a powerful reminder of the triumph of freedom over oppression. A significant milestone when slavery was abolished, marking a step towards a more inclusive and equitable society.

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Alexander Koene Alexander Koene

Impact branding Post-COVID

Making the Case for Impact Branding to Address Social Fabric, Social Injustice, Climate Crises in the Post-COVID Era. In addition, the European Green Deal and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) have created a regulatory framework.

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Daniel Cohen Stuart Daniel Cohen Stuart

The B Corp Journey of Factor Tachtig

We talk to friends from the movement and ask them to share their experiences and insights with us. With a bit of luck, you can apply their experiences to your own B Corp Journey. We aim to help smoothen the process for those looking to certify and be a force for good.

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Alexander Koene Alexander Koene

Impact board April ‘23

Our spring 2023 Impact board meeting was attended by Kim Cramer, Alexander Koene, Maarten Thijs, Mylene Heystek, Sita de Kruijf.

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Alexander Koene Alexander Koene

Let’s play equal!

Life can be challenging for individuals with different backgrounds and characteristics. BR-ND People collaborates with several Amsterdam-based B Corp friends to create Let's Play Equal.

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Daniel Cohen Stuart Daniel Cohen Stuart

Happy impact report 2022

We aim to help organisations by improving the human experience on earth. With this annual impact report, we share our impact in 2022, featuring reflections, facts, and figures. Also, we share our goals for 2023

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Kim Cramer Kim Cramer

Waarom zetten we een andere pet op als het gaat om werk?

Onlangs werd mijn moeder 85 jaar. Een prachtige leeftijd voor een prachtige vrouw. Ze heeft veel meegemaakt in haar leven. Van oorlog tot emigratie, van huismoederen tot herintreden, van het verliezen van haar allerliefsten tot het krijgen van kleinkinderen.

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