Co-Founder BR-ND People

Meet Alexander Koene; creative thinker and optimist.

If it were up to me, we would put Mother Earth in charge of a new economic system. Yes, you heard correctly, let's imagine nature at the helm to improve our lives here. I am determined to accelerate that change. We are now transitioning from an old, worn-out economy to something new, something yet to be born.

My role? Spreading positivity, knowledge, and opportunities around like confetti. Let's inspire the next generation to accelerate this change.

As creative entrepreneur and impact transformer, I founded three amazing organizations with my long-time friend and business partner Kim Cramer:

❤️ BR-ND People (an impact branding agency)

❤️ The 23plusone Collective (training and licensing an evidence-based values methodology)

❤️ Let's Play Equal (serious gaming for justice, equality, diversity and inclusion)

Our companies focus on the social side of sustainability, with the goal to give everyone a better life.

I have been fortunate to work with amazing people from all kinds of cultures around the world. Before starting my own business in 2000, I held executive positions at major companies in Europe, Africa, and Asia. Those adventures deepened my understanding and respect for global cultures and taught me to find solutions to complex problems.

I have a broad interest in psychology, marketing, engineering, defence, and preventive health care.

An active and social lifestyle is the key to happiness and longevity. Outside of work, I am a sports freak. I do fitness, skiing, sailing, running and cycling. Chores and fixing mechanical things are also my thing. In my youth, I learned the art of making in my mother's goldsmith studio and developed my technical skills during a sea voyage around the world.

As a solo father of three amazing children, I am super proud. My goal? Our efforts today ensure a better world for them and all other children. I am going full steam ahead for a positive and happy future.


Kim Cramer


Laura van Rooijen