Successful Bernhoven Hospital merger & rebranding

Services by BR-ND People: Strategy (purpose, positioning, portfolio) Expression (design); Culture (values, behavior, storytelling)


In light of a changing hospital market, a constant need to improve quality and a move to a wonderful new location bordering a nature reserve, Bernhoven asked BR-ND to develop a new brand & portfolio strategy and to create their new design.


How to create a meaningful story behind the Bernhoven brand, that positively influences both internal behaviour and external recognition? How to translate that story in an appealing house style that suits modern times? How to engage all people involved (employees, patients, stakeholders and the general public) and make them proud of ‘their’ Bernhoven?


As two local hospitals are moving to one location on april 1st 2013, a new logo and visual style was priority number one. BR-ND designed a pragmatic program, starting with the involvement of internal and external stakeholders. We used the BR-ND Insider, our online platform, to gather input and ideas from all nurses, doctors and staff. During a BR-ND Kitchen session, a cross-section of the organization participated. The emotive pillars of the desired organization identity were captured and agreed upon. Based on this, we created a 'living' brand design to symbolize three emotive pillars of the brand.  

In 2018, we worked again with Bernhoven to further evolve the brand story and to jointly develop a better understanding of the purpose of the organization, summarized as “We love people”.

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