Nieuws & inspiratie.
Ontvang onze onregelmatige nieuwsbrief!
Boost your culture!
Op zoek naar een wervelend event om je waarden te activeren? Zijn missie, visie en kernwaarden bepaald en moeten ze gaan leven? Of staan ze nog in de steigers en moeten ze worden herijkt of verrijkt? Sta je voor de uitdaging om een nieuwe strategische koers te gaan varen? En wil je met je medewerkers de dialoog aangaan over het bestaansdoel?
Tesla most appealing car brand in the Netherlands
In 2009, Kim Cramer and Alexander Koene have done similar research. Back then, Audi was the most emotive brand. Newcomer Tesla kicked both Audi and BMW off the throne, not only by higher scores on the emotional domains of attraction, ambition and self-development, but Tesla scores particularly high on idealism in the basics domain.
23plusone, You & MIE
In cooperation with our Licensed Friend Celeste Miller from market research agency TOTTA, our 2008 brand appeal studies have been repeated end of 2014. We are excited to present the latest results at the MIE event on the 4th of Februari 2015. Over 100 brands in for example the automotive, financial services and coffee categories have been profiled with 23plusone, using an intuitive scan including respondent reaction times.
New year, new intern.
I came across BR-ND’s internship vacancy about a month ago and immediately realized that this company was what I was looking for. Except maybe for the internship part… You see, I graduated in June 2014 and have been looking for the perfect first ‘real job’. Instead of only responding to vacancies, I decided to call interesting people working at inspiring companies in order to meet up for a chat. Not necessarily to land a job, but more so to get some advice and insights on how-what-where to find this perfect job.
Unproven ideas
In de afgelopen maanden hoorde ik meerdere keren iemand praten over het belang van ‘unproven ideas’. In zeer uiteenlopende situaties werd uitgelegd hoe belangrijk het is dat fantasierijke, risicovolle ideeën tot bloei en uitvoering kunnen komen. Zonder deze ideeën – vaak bedacht en verdedigd door rebelse, ietwat koppige mensen – blijft vooruitgang marginaal en slechts een klein stapje in de richting van verbetering.
Four reasons why happiness is not yet as important as the quarterly results
If research shows that happy organizations are more successful, why don’t we act?
Everybody talks about it: success does not lead to happiness, happiness leads to success. Is it the crisis or The Age of Aquarius? We have finally come to the conclusion that happiness is not only important to people’s individual lives, but for organizations as well.
Two Interns Wanted
BR-ND is looking for two (paid) interns to start soonest at our Amsterdam office. Candidates have experience in app creation and share our passion for social transformation and happiness at work. Tasks will be to realize a mobile app based on our proprietary happiness metrics and use of emotive language ‪#‎23plusone‬.
Leadership Resolution 2014
What if we all would lead by example in 2014, with these 24 happy resolutions in mind?
Do Good Deeds In 2014
On behalf of BR-ND and all 23plusone Licensend Friends we wish you Happy Holidays!
Capetown Unlimited
End october 2013 I visited the Brandstation our sister firm in Capetown. A week immersed in this amazing city, where I connected with the most beautiful people.
Transformation of a Diva
From the very start that I met Kim Cramer - my proud co-founder of BR-ND - back in 2005, she made an amazing impression on me.
Metrics How Your Brand 'Feels'
Your stakeholders are part of your brand. To understand the image of your organization, ask them. To shape the future of your organization, engage them. To be successful, inspire them.
'Happy' Rules at Work
Everybody at some time, feels a need to know about the purpose of life. Why am I here? What role am I to play? Why should I suffer? How can I make my life happier?
Policy of Happiness?
If science proves that happiness improves business performance, shouldn't policymakers act? Many people claim that 'happiness' in economic terms is defined as the pursuit and accumulation of material wealth.
Destination Happiness
Have you ever been unhappy? Of course you have. Do you recognize that languid, apathetic, flaggy mood that comes with it? That lackadaisical (yes, I had to look that word up too) feeling that wants to make you cry and maybe even does?
Sunny Experience 2013 (in Dutch)
Plan B en BR-ND komen met een eenmalige en unieke 'Sunny Experience Road Tour' in de lente van 2013 naar je toe!
Ready for Emotive Branding? [quiz]
Do the emotive branding quiz! Ontdek de kracht van emotionele branding! Doe de quiz en leer hoe je jouw merk kunt versterken door in te spelen op de gevoelens van je doelgroep.