Why we put People in our logo?

2020 BR-ND People logo

2006 BR-ND People logo

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Back in 2006, when BR-ND as a brand was launched, we already put ‘People’ in our logo. In those days it’s intent was to signify that we were thé brand people. We combined all types of branding specialists under one roof, one brand, one BR-ND. It was inner-directed. Signifying to ourselves that we became one, that we should not work any longer from silos. Silos such as strategist, researchers, designers, namers, organizers. Silos which before were part of to different firms. Now suddenly merged into a new one.

Now in 2020, we have put ‘People’ again in our name. Now to signify that branding is about people. People are the brand. It makes clear that brands can’t be created without the people who matter. For us, the significance is outer-directed. It explains that we co-create meaning with the involvement of the people. Colleagues, clients and partners. And guess what, we have discovered over the last 14 years what it means to have all sorts of masters working together under one BR-ND brand. No silos, but as one.

Rise of brand purpose

In today’s transparent world, many ideologies are in flux. The branding profession rises and transforms hand-in-hand with communication technology, science and practice. Mass distribution, mass media and the last decade also social media transformed the branding arena. Meanwhile, shareholder capitalism and neoliberalism hijacked the agenda in many corporate boardrooms. The main purpose of business became to grow in financial terms, driving productivity to the max. With branding as the main strategy for creating demand. With a massive global climate crisis as a consequence. The rich-poor gap rising to unknown heights. And the decline of the quality of healthcare systems, education and economical insecurity as a result.

In reaction hereto we see the rise of brand purpose. Increasingly businesses with their brands are embracing social, ecological and economical goals. A new type of visionary leader is willing to take more responsibility instead of maximising the bottom line.

Branding is transforming from a strategy to sell, to a social strategy in which organisations invest in meaningfulness in the lives of people. From profitability to liveability. From superfluousness to usefulness. From maximising share of wallet, to share of heart. From impersonal to empathising for people. As a consequence at BR-ND, our thinking and fascination have gradually shifted from brand positioning to brand culture.

People are the brand

In line with these developments, branding is migrating from the marketing & sales departments now also into the human resources domain. Or even better, a new generation of CEO’s is taking personal charge of the brand. The brand culture of an organisation simply cannot any longer be seen separate from a corporate mission, vision and values.

Branding nowadays is where the purpose of an organisation and its mission, vision, values and behaviours amalgamates in the hearts and minds of people. That’s why we create a brand culture with the people in your organisation. Because it’s the people who drive the trade every day, they create the products and fulfil the services. That’s why we put ‘People’ back to our brand name.

Is it a big deal? Visually it’s a small change that probably no one but ourselves will notice. But to us, it’s a significant change. Something we needed to do as we’ve been steering ourselves in this direction. Making it visible to everyone, keeps us sharp in following our path.


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