Think Pink: Beautify The World
Imagine thousands of ladies running together dressed in pink. Kim Cramer, co-founder of BR-ND, ran the Ladies Run Rotterdam together with 7.500 others on the 10th of June. Together with so many pink sisters she enjoyed this sports event, designed around some important 'emotive' themes. A run, a ladies fair, music & dance, lounging, massage, a lottery and one charity: Pink Ribbon.
7.500 ladies meaningfully connected on a sunny Sunday afternoon, filled with drives centering around sportive, beauty, achievement, friendship and a healthy dose of idealism.
Despite the recent media turmoil surrounding Pink Ribbon, it's pink power seems to be going stronger than ever. And believe you me, Pink Ribbon is for a good cause. Because if you have had a beloved one who suffered from this terrible disease, you know that raising awareness is what it all starts with.
I can only hope that every lady regularly checks their breasts and that a cure will soon be found.